Monday, December 31, 2012
PC police ban ‘illegal’ language
PC police ban ‘illegal’ language "Well isn't that special!!"...What a load of Horse Crap!!............
Saturday, December 29, 2012
NEW YORK CITY: Muslim woman suing MTA & NYPD for getting kicked off buses for wearing an Islamic headbag
NEW YORK CITY: Muslim woman suing MTA & NYPD for getting kicked off buses for wearing an Islamic headbag No judge with ANY gonads whatsoever would even hear this baghead bi---'s case,but would boot her and her lameass case out of that court and at least as far as the next county. And throwing her ignorant ass off the bus IS NOT a violation of her "rights"; IT IS however, a matter of looking out for the welfare and safety of the other passengers on the bus! After all, who knows what lurks beneath that Death Shroud Garbage Bag, as it would not even be certain that it was a woman under there!
Friday, December 28, 2012
CONNECTICUT: After Norwalk rejects proposal for mega mosque, Obama’s goons force community to approve it
CONNECTICUT: After Norwalk rejects proposal for mega mosque, Obama’s goons force community to approve it Ah, yes; MORE morons with the classic Shit Stain foreheads from banging their heads while lifting their arses, DEMANDING their "right" to build their Mosquestrosity, when it is NOT even a matter of religious preference, but can the space accommodate such a structure?!!.....HELL NO!! And as for the Arselifter-in-Chief who thinks he is the Supreme Ruler of the U.S.A; this IS a matter of State and Local concern NOT the concern of an ALREADY over inflated ----ing Federal Bureaucracy!!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
COLORADO Jewish and Christian traitors try to combat anti-Islam ads with a ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ campaign
COLORADO Jewish and Christian traitors try to combat anti-Islam ads with a ‘Love Thy Neighbor’ campaign Well, gooooolleeee, Sargeant Carter, you mean love ISN'T all you need?!......No Gomer, it ISN'T, NOT when you are talking about a bunch of lying stinking lowlife Arselifters, you better watch your back and find others you can trust to help you when you have to exercise SELF DEFENSE against the lying Arselifters; as sooner or later, it will boil down to a case of KILL or be KILLED!!...And the JINOs and CINOs in this instance are IDIOTS and/or traitors, just as the title says!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
OHIO: Lebanese-American judge hands down harsh sentence for former Marine charged with mosque arson for setting fire to a prayer rug
OHIO: Lebanese-American judge hands down harsh sentence for former Marine charged with mosque arson for setting fire to a prayer rug I REALLY haven't decided which are worse, the muslimes in this case or the dhimmi dip judge and the libtard a--holes who support a 20 yearv sentence for a USMC vet who did nothing more than get drunk and go burn a damn rug!!......I'm betting THIS case WILL be thrown out OR laughed out of court on appeal; THAT IS, IF they get a REAL judge and NOT some Sharia supporting arselifter or dhimmi dip!!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Egypt arming for attack on Israel?
Egypt arming for attack on Israel? Do you even need ask "What will be the reaction of our Arselifter-in-Chief" when one of his arselifter bros. in the Mideast, namely his hand picked Arselifter leader Morsi of Egypt, decides to attack Israel or his own couuntrymen, such as Coptic Christians, who do not follow Arselifter (Sharia) Law?!! Obama will not do a damn thing just as he took NO action regarding Benghazi, and just as he took NO action regarding our border patrol agents being killed by Mexican drug lords, because the weapons used there were supplied by the Obama Regime!!
Muslim terrorists picking off targets at girls schools
Muslim terrorists picking off targets at girls schools Well now, I'm guessing here that if the filthy stinking cowardly lowlife Arselifters just kill little girls and other such "soft targets", then those kills don't really count toward their 770 kill per year quota!!....What a sick demented demonic bunch of psycho bastards!! This from the RELIGION OF PISS!!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
MEGA MOSQUES: An epidemic of mosque infestation in neighborhoods virtually devoid of Muslims
MEGA MOSQUES: An epidemic of mosque infestation in neighborhoods virtually devoid of Muslims INFESTATION NOT ASSIMILATION; then comes DOMINATION IF things go according to the Arselifters' plans!!......But, in the FINAL analysis, things WILL NOT go as they have planned!!.......
Dr. Jeffress on The O’Reilly Factor: Wimpy Christians Are the Reason We’re Losing the Culture War
Dr. Jeffress on The O’Reilly Factor: Wimpy Christians Are the Reason We’re Losing the Culture War Okay, people: I'm thinking at this particular time that it is high time we as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ STOP being overly concerned about whether or not we are offending a few atheists or arselifters and do some very necessary ass whooping!! Open up a few barrels of industrial strength whoopass and pour it all over some slimy belligerent pukes the next time they threaten you for saying something "offensive" like "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!"....It was not without good reason that the words of this song were put down on paper: "Onward Christian Soldiers, marching as to war........."!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Iranians prepare terror campaign inside U.S.
Iranians prepare terror campaign inside U.S. Not concerned about Arselifter attacks inside the U.S?! Perhaps you should re-think your position on that issue; the arselifters are ALREADY prepared and in place to do a hell of a lot more damage than any dhimmi dip libtard could EVER imagine!! The next time may very well make 9/11 look mild in comparison....We are talking Apocalyptic proportions here, so some libtards need to pull their heads out and wake the hell up, while they still have time!!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Egypt court sentences in absentia seven Coptic Christians and one US pastor to death over anti-Islam film
Egypt court sentences in absentia seven Coptic Christians and one US pastor to death over anti-Islam film Yessiree!! I'm sure Terry Jones and Mr. Sadek are just sooooo shook up over their absentia death sentences! OR, just maybe their reaction is much the same as I would say "UP YOURS ARSELIFTERS!! And your Perv Prophet too; soon you will join him in HELL!!
UK Dhimmitude, where a 16-year-old boy throwing ham at a mosque can be arrested for a ‘hate crime’
UK Dhimmitude, where a 16-year-old boy throwing ham at a mosque can be arrested for a ‘hate crime’ If that was real ham the lad used, then I would have to say "What a waste of good quality pork on such muslime lowlifes"!!....Use cheap cuts for the "assault" like ham hocks, hog jowls, and pig feet!!
WOO HOO! Australian woman under fire from the media for refusing to sell her home to Muslims
WOO HOO! Australian woman under fire from the media for refusing to sell her home to Muslims Go, Pauline!! I would rather see someone like Pauline in the White House as our President in the United States of America than the Kenyan muslime POS currently occupying that position!! And for the record, just so any Arseliifters or their dhimmi dip supporters who read this might get it,though unlikely, I WOULD NOT sell my house to an Arselifter either!! Nor would I care to do business of ANY kind with an Arselifter!! And for those Arselifters and their dhimmi dip enablers who would call me "racist"; I reiterate "ISLAM IS NOT A RACE"!!....
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
“Islam is like Nazism,” say increasingly popular Sweden Democrats
“Islam is like Nazism,” say increasingly popular Sweden Democrats If ONLY we had Democrats like those of Sweden!! Instead, our Democrats are predominately "Dhimmicrats", kowtowing to and kissing the arses of the Muslime Community!! Warning, the photos ARE quite graphic, BUT they show the REAL Islam, NOT the image the a--holes like Ibrahim "Dougie" Hooper and Nihad Awad try to project to the Dhimmicrats and libtard dips gullible enuogh to buy into their lies, fraud and "doctrines of demons"!!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
New movie documents the demise of free speech in the West, led by America’s very own Muslim-in-Chief
New movie documents the demise of free speech in the West, led by America’s very own Muslim-in-Chief The Arselifters are coming!! The Arselifters are coming!!........Oh, they're ALREADY here, including, and especially the recently re-elected by lying, bribery, and FRAUD Arselifter-in-Chief!!.....If you're NOT already exercising your Second Amendment right at this time, I strongly suggest you do so immediately, the arselifters and their dhimmi libtard useful idiots ARE NOT wasting ANY time in moving "FORWARD" with their Muslime/Marxist agenda!! And, just a little "side note", I KNOW I'm "preaching to the choir" to some on this issue, but a little reminder and updates never hurts anyway!!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Tommy Robinson is still confined to a British jail while Muslim terrorists roam free in the streets of London
Tommy Robinson is still confined to a British jail while Muslim terrorists roam free in the streets of London THIS is the world in which we live today people! So, to all the dhimmi dip libtards with their heads STILL firmly planted up their arses: Pull your heads out! These puke ba------s are NOT playing here; THEY (the muslime pukes who enter the U.S. or anywhere in the CIVILIZED WORLD) illegally are THE ENEMY and we have people in high places in our U.S. society who heartily support these Arselifters while screwing over the American people. And, if you're a "good Christian" who doesn't want to "offend" anyone, well, PULL YOUR HEAD OUT too because it seems you are MUCH more concerned about "offending" THE OFFENSIVE lowlifes than you are maintaining the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness guaranteed to you and your family and friends that were born in the U.S.A plus those who are LEGALLY naturalized citizens!! Don't let the muslimes deceive you into buying into their BS that says "We worship the same God as you do"!!......THEY DO NOT...Christians ARE NOT instructed by Jesus or any of the Apotles or Prophets to enslave or KILL the "infidels" who refuse to convert or submit to being enslaved by a system ruled by Sharia (Islamic) law!! Keep America free for as long as we are on this Earth;and stay free as you were born free!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Intelligence officials: We knew attack in Benghazi was terrorist act from beginning
Intelligence officials: We knew attack in Benghazi was terrorist act from beginning "...Spontaneous reponse to a video"?!! Horse crap!!...We're talking about maniacal Islamic supremacist Arselifters here!!..AND no one but dumbass dhimmis and libtards would believe that!! THIS was a PLANNED terrorist attack, quite likely in the planning stages before that piece of crap called a movie EVER came out on the internet!!....And since when have the maniacal wild-eyed Arselifters EVER needed an excuse to be what they REALLY are?!! Incidentally, there IS a REAL legitimate documentary coming out from a former Arselifter who is NOW Christian, due out on the internet December 14; I believe it is titled "Innocence of Muhammad"...And I'll be looking for it!! AND may GOD BLESS and protect the producer of THIS documentary, as he WILL certainly be in need of protection against the "wild-eyed Arselifters", not to mention their Dhimmi supporters, being the stupid libtards that they are, who will be coming after him because he dares to tell the truth about them!!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Petraeus testifies on Benghazi attack
Petraeus testifies on Benghazi attack Well, here we have ANOTHER "Senate investigation", but I WOULD NOT hold by breath while waiting for someone involved in this to come forth, grow some cojones, develop some INTEGRITY, and ACTUALLY tell "the truth, the WHOLE truth, and NOTHING BUT the TRUTH"!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Cops: Bus assistant choked autistic boy with safety harness
Cops: Bus assistant choked autistic boy with safety harness Hmmm, Broward County in the news AGAIN! Can't say that I'm surprised to hear this news! Broward County is the very same Florida region in which the local area ARSELIFTERS decided they should have special holidays for their "religious" holidays! We wouldn't want those good little muslime boys and girls to be going to school and learning more infidel ways on Arselifter holidays, now would we?!! Why they just might actually learn some REAL history instead of the horse crap that the muslime "community" pushes about what "valuable contributions" Islam has made to art, science and humanity!!.....Like I said, HORSE CRAP!!....It looks as though Broward County is turning to sh--!! Stay tuned for more of the same with Insane Hussein Obama STILL in office heartily supporting his Arseliifter "brothers" and "sisters", sh---ing on and screwing over Christians and Jews here and around the world!!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Jeffco ‘Democrat Of The Year’ Convicted Of Felony Theft « CBS Denver
Jeffco ‘Democrat Of The Year’ Convicted Of Felony Theft « CBS Denver So, what is so unusual about this?! Just one more dhimmicrat with an entitlement mentality very similar to her arselifter counterparts; wouldn't be at all surprised if while doing time this woman "reverts" to being an Arselifter!! Prisons are some of the best arselifter recruitment centers!!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
US Judge Strikes Down NDAA’s ‘Indefinite Detention’
US Judge Strikes Down NDAA’s ‘Indefinite Detention’ Not a hell of a lot more to say about this, other than the fact that America, thanks to the Arselifter-in-Chief and his arselifter pals and dhimmi cohorts: the U.S.A. is starting to look a lot more like a land ruled by Arselifter (Sharia) law rather than the democratic Constitutional republic that it once was!! Time to give the "O" the boot come November, kicking his sorry worthless arse all the way back to the Land of arselifters, such as Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, and let's not forget Saudi Arabia, the number one most radical land of arselifters in the Mideast AND the world, right where the Original Arselifter came from in the Seventh Century A.D.!! Get our enemies OUT of D.C, and we will need not be nearly as concerned about a bunch of maniacal raghead SOB's in the Mideast!!
Friday, August 31, 2012
ANY OFFENDED ARSELIFTERS OR DHIMMIS?! Well, for those who have been following this blog, you may have noted yesterday's post regarding arselifters having invaded every corner of the Globe. Just a while ago I opened a "rejection from an organization stating that they had "certain criteria" and that they would not be placing advertising on my blog and further indicated that they would not respond to any inquiries from me as to why they would not be placing any sponsor ads on this blog. Well, my initial reaction was to tell them to go screw themselves, as my first guess as to why my application was rejected due to their "certain criteria" is that I must certainly have offended some arselifters and their dhimmi dip supporters on staff at that particular organization; just a guess, but quite likely a very accurate one, and to any of the arselifters and dhimmi dips who may see this; I really don't give a flying .... about your sponsorship or support, as I will continue to survive and thrive by the grace of God, and not the benevolent favors of your organization or any other dhimmis more concerned about not offending anyone than they are about the truth!
ARSELIFTERS IN EVERY CORNER OF THE GLOBE Okay. people it now stands as official that arselifters have invaded every corner of the Globe. Now, to the unenlightened dhimmi dips this may seem a bit harsh, perhaps even "racist", a term that dhimmi dips like to apply to anyone who doesn't automatically agree with whatever lofty BS platitudes the may put forth! Now, before any of you dhimmi dips or liberal loons start telling me just how wrong I am to feel as I do about arselifters, pull your heads out of the sand or out of your arses for just a few minutes to allow me to explain just why I feel as I do toward arselifters, also known as Muslims (the politically correct term); but for purposes of this article I will continue to refer to them as arselifters, and show them the same respect that they show toward us infidels, that being none! I have about as much respect for arselifters in general, as a male dog has for his favorite tree! Over the last 20 years,working around arselifters, I personally spent about 16 of those years working around arselifters on a daily basis, during which time I witnessed a formerly public elementary school being given over to arselifters to have a school, more accurately an indoctrination facility for turning little arselifters into maniacal Seventh Century adult arselifters! Not long after, they, the area arselifters, bought property next to the "Arselifter Academy" and built themselves a mosque, or what they call an Islamic Center. For those who don't know me, I once believed the load of BS put down by muslim maggots, another term for Muslims the uninitiated dhimmi dips would not approve of, but I really don't give a flying ....! I too once believed that "Allah" was just another name for God, and that "most Muslims are peaceful"! However, I now recognize that as the horse manure that it is!! In conclusion to this rant, just let me say to the dhimmi dips of the world, especially the Western World, it's way past time to pull your heads out of your arses and wake up, since not just 9/11/2001, but 1900 plus terrorist acts around the world, all of them committed by arselifters, whether our main stream media will admit it or not. Also, just one more thing that is the reason for the title of this article: Two nights ago, in Taipei, I was strolling through a Night Market thinking that I would not encounter anything more repulsive and disgusting than the chemically processed tofu that smells like raw sewage, but I was wrong again, for as we headed back to pick up the car from the parking garage, what did I see but two arselifers at a booth to my right selling what their sign at the outside edge of the booth said: "GENUINE PAKISTANI HALAL FOOD"!! For the clueless, halal is an indication of the way the animals are sacrificed by these lowlife arselifters, their throats cut, no stun guns and no sedation, just let them bleed out slowly and painfully. Needless to say, there will be an ice storm in Hell before I will ever partake of any of their arselifter cuisine. And, seeing the Pakis selling their halal crap there is an indication that truly: arselifters have invaded every corner of the globe!!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
I just wanted to take the opportunity on this fine Saturday morning to send out a hearty "THANKS" to the Arselifter trolls and their dimwitted dhimmi supporters!! By not allowing the posting of my comments on the WND article regarding "free speech", Congressional hearing and the DOJ, they have made my point for me! Perhaps they didn't like what I had to say about "the Arselifter-in-Chief" or his "dimwitted dhimmi supporters" in the "Obama Regime". Or maybe they took issue with what I had to say about the fact that : "Yes, you still have free speech if you're an Arselifter, but if you are Christian and even think about 'dissing' Islam, then you had better d--n well keep your mouth shut!!" This is what our nation has come to folks under the Obama Regime; and THIS is the kind of" hope and change" he had in mind! In my estimation THIS IS NOT OK, when a Christian, or just plain heathen faces the possibility of being charged with a "hate crime" for speaking out against a demented ideology and DEATH CULT! But it is permitted for maniacal arselifters to gather and preach hatred and jihad against us infidels in OUR country and shout crap like "Death to the infidels!!" and their old standard that goes with it "Allahuuu Akbar!!!" If we allow this kind of crap to continue and re-elect those to high public office who support this; then we, as a nation are through!!
Thursday, July 26, 2012 Grow some cojones BBC Sports, and declare Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel, whereas you dhimmi dips have declared capitals for every other nation BUT Israel, probably because of PC pressure from your arelifter pals and their dhimmi stooges around the world!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Rep. Michele Bachmann’s Muslim Brotherhood claims draw fierce fire
Rep. Michele Bachmann’s Muslim Brotherhood claims draw fierce fire No surprises here! The PC politicians in DC, including John McCain, who is apparently suffering severe senile dementia, and is what many would call a RINO, are at it again! Columnists like Frank Gaffney who present accusations against high ranking politicians DO NOT do so without having sufficient proof to back their claims. But, as usual, you can da-- well bet that that proof will be buried by the Lamestream Media and the PC butt kissing politicians who are more concerned about offending some arselifters or their dip---- dhimmi pals in DC than they are about maintaining security and safety of U.S. citizens!! God Bless Michelle Bachmann for standing up and telling the truth about the Arselifter (oops, NOT PC)...I mean the Muslim Brotherhood and their associations and infiltrations in Washington D.C. You are NOT alone in the fight for what is right Rep. Bachmann; NEVER GIVE IN and NEVER SURRENDER to the Arselifter Agenda or their dhimmi dip pals in the U.S Congress OR the White House!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Needles found in sandwiches on 4 Delta flights
Needles found in sandwiches on 4 Delta flights Need I even venture a guess as to what kind of perp(s) we have in this incident of some slime placing needles in sandwiches?! You may call me a "rightwing extremist"; and if you do, who cares?! That just means I've got it RIGHT!! First question I'm prompted to ask on this incident is "Are there any Arselifters working at the catering company that made these sandwiches?!" Second question:"Is the company arselifter-owned?!"
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Michelle Obama Compares Barack to Biblical Figures | Vision to America
Michelle Obama Compares Barack to Biblical Figures | Vision to America What a load of HORSE SH---, Michelle!! Your husband, the "O" would NOT make the beginning of a pimple on the butts of the Biblical Patriarchs like Abraham, Noah and Moses ANYMORE than he would on the butts of Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King, Jr!! And, as for that picture you mentioned on the wall in the West Wing that has remained over three years; IT WILL be GONE in January 2013 right along with you and your miserable sorry worthless excuse for a president husband!!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Muslims Exempt from ObamaCare? | FrontPage Magazine
Muslims Exempt from ObamaCare? | FrontPage Magazine Ah, but of course they're exempt; they are ARSELIFTERS, and as such, the Arselifter-in-Chief WILL show favor toward them over us "infidels"! After all, they, the muslimes in America are "Allah's Chosen" and therefore to be taken care of by us "dhimmis" who owe it to them as part of our jizya (taxation of subservient infidels)!!.....And, is there ANYONE still ignorant enough to ask just why I despise arselifters (PC term Muslims)?!!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
'Everyone is watching him': Challenges multiply for presidential winner in Egypt
'Everyone is watching him': Challenges multiply for presidential winner in Egypt Well, now that a rabid arselifter is the "newly elected" President of Egypt, and that old "secular" Meanie Mubarak is out; things will be sooooo much better!! Or will they be?! These ignorant celebrating arselifters do not have a clue as to the mayhem, destruction and desolation that is headed their way! So, the Arselifter (aka. Muslim) Brotherhood has put their candidate in office in Egypt! It's been asked "Can he change"?!..Maybe, but I hold to the view that has consistently been proven and time tested that "An arselifter is an arselifter IS AN ARSELIFTER"!!!.......We'll see; and if I were a Coptic Christian in Egypt right now, I would be looking to get out of Egypt with ANY family and poseesions that I could carry with me, headed West!!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 Lying arselifters?!....Unreliable sources?!......"Well, isn't that special?!!".......Noooooooooooo!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Filmmaker switches sides and now opposes Tennessee mosque –
Filmmaker switches sides and now opposes Tennessee mosque – Amen!! And here we have one of few liberals who has pulled his head out of his arse just long enough to see some arselifter supremacists for what they REALLY are.....Just shows, folks, miracles DO still happen!!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Why I Don't Mind Being Called a Rightwing Extremist
There are several reasons I could think of why I don't mind being called a "rightwing extremist", but I will endeavor for purposes of time and space here to just dwell on the main three, pretty much in order. I believe the NUMBER ONE reason I don't mind being called "rightwing extremist" is because when someone calls me that, then I KNOW I am doing something RIGHT!! As the Lord told us long ago, and keeps sending reminders of the same today; in the Last Days there WILL be those who "will call evil good and good evil". Abortions on demand solely for the sake of convenience are a good example of that axiom. Calling two people of the same sex, living together and having sex (with each other); AND even worse calling that a "marriage"!! It MIGHT be considered a "civil union", but marriage?! Oh, HELL NO!! Also, an even better example of calling evil good would be what arselifters are attempting in America and around the world! The term "arselifter" is NOT normally considered appropriate in PC circles, but this blog being what it is,and titled "Arselifter Antics", I WILL use the term arselifter as much and as often as I wish, and invite others to do the same! I make NO apologies to ANYONE, especially ARSELIFTERS for calling them what they are!! Secondly, I don't mind being called "rightwing extremist" because of the people calling me that; they generally being leftie libtard dumbass dhimmis, or the arselifters that the dhimmis fall in line with and willingly kiss their arses thinking they might curry the favor of the arselifters, all the while NEVER realizing that they are just considered "useful idiots" by the Muslim arselifters whose arses they consistently and continually kiss!! By the way, I think it necessary to add at this point that MANY of those arselifters AND arse kissers are in high positions in Washinngton D.C., around the United States and around the world!! And, third, I don't mind being called "rightwing extremist" because the "leftists" or "leftwing extremists" are terms that are just almost NEVER heard anymore! And just why do you think those terms are never heard anymore?! Well, it might just be considered "conjecture" here, but I would have to say that no one ever hears the term "leftist" or "leftwing extremist" anymore because those are the ones that are NOW considered "mainsream"; they now control the Media and most of the nation as well! So should it come as a surprise to anyone that those once considered "extremist" in the 1950's. 1960's, and on into the Seventies are NOT considered "extremist" anymore?! Today's "extremists" are those who still wish to preserve our U.S Constitution and the Judeo/Christian principles upon which that Constitution and this nation were founded, and not have that Constitution watered down, or worse, be replaced by a system of SH-- law called Sharia!! In conclusion, I'd just like to say: Wake up America!! And dhimmi dimwits pull your heads out of your arses and face the reality that this nation WILL be "turned into Hell" unless we take steps together NOW to stop that from happening!!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Fighting Israeli detention, Palestinians resort to hunger strike
Fighting Israeli detention, Palestinians resort to hunger strike Oh, boo hoo, those pooor persecuted "Palestinians"! What a load of horsecrap!!...They ARE NOT "Palestinians" to start with; they are Arselifter Terrorists....They are on 'hunger strike"?!......They are just a few more Jew-hating, Christian-hating, lying, theiving, rapist, murderous muzzy arselifter terrorists, so who in this world would miss them besides their arselifter associates and their libtard dhimmi dips.... with their heads so firmly planted up their arses, refusing to pull their heads out and see the LIGHT until it is too late for them?!!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Barack Obama Releasing Taliban Fighters on “Promise” to Give Up Violence | Vision to America
Barack Obama Releasing Taliban Fighters on “Promise” to Give Up Violence | Vision to America "Well, isn't that special?!!" "If you promise to give up violence we will release you?!" Helloooo, "Mr. Pres.", who the hell do you think you are dealing with here?! These are TALIBAN ARSELIIFTERS bent on killing all of us "dirty khuffar"!! They will lie, steal, cheat, murder, rape and pretty much do whatever they damn well please as long as liberal dhimmi a--holes allow them to get away with what they do!! These pieces of dog doo should have been blown off the planet by the end of the year 2001!! But, if that had happenened "Mr. Pres.", you WOULD NOT have been able to be in the position you are presently in, so your financial and political backers HAD to insure that that did NOT happen at that time, as it would NOT be politically expedient for them or for you!! That brings us back to that old axiom that you so conveniently choose to ignore because it is NOT PC: "NEVER NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS"!! What you do with terrorists, "Mr. Pres.", is eliminate their presence from the face of this Earth as quickly as possible by whatever means necessary and available!!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
What the Palestinians Want
What the Palestinians Want What the "Palestinians" want?! What "Palestinians"?! There IS NO Palestine and NO "Palestininans", just a bunch of belligerent Arab Arselifters, who not ONLY surround Israel ( a REAL legitimate nation), but also have been allowed to live among the Iaraelis when no one else in the region would take their sorry worthless arselifter arses!!.....AND these "Palestinians", once again, are in NO position to "demand" a d--- thing!!....These "Palestinians" in Israel are there ONLY because Israel allows their presence AND because they have been booted out of whatever Arab hell hole they were dwelling in before!!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Muslim Brotherhood retweets Obama’s faith adviser. Mogahed has larger, undisclosed radical Islamic background
Muslim Brotherhood retweets Obama’s faith adviser. Mogahed has larger, undisclosed radical Islamic background Surprised?! I'm not; just another of a number of arselifters and bagheads closely associated with the Obama Regime!.......... "WELL, ISN'T THAT SPECIAL"?!..........
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
US offers ’safe passage’ to Afghan Taliban leaders
US offers ’safe passage’ to Afghan Taliban leaders Negotiaiate?! Just when ARE these dimwitted dhimmi sons of b----es going to get it?! And what the hell ever happened to the GOOD sound principle of "NEVER NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS"?!! Blow their filthy lying arses off Planet Earth!! Negotiate with the Taliban?!! As Bill Cosby would say: "Come on people"!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Britain's Lord Nazir Ahmed Offers £10 Million Bounty for Obama, Bush
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Jesus and Muhammad on Handling Enemies
Well, here it is Saturday before Easter, and a good time for this post. Events of the last few days leading up to Easter Sunday, which I prefer to call "Resurrection Sunday" as that is what is supposed to be commemorated on that Sunday! I believe the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ should be celebrated every Sunday and not just on the "designated" day when children traditionally paint, hide and hunt for "Easter" eggs and indulge in chocolate bunny treats and other goodies. And, not only on Sundays, but every day as well, since we are all alive because He is alive! Now, on that note, let's get down to discussion of what really matters concerning the Resurrection, who believes Christ arose and who does not! Who REALLY believes Him, and that He is, was, and will always be exactly who He said He was?! Events of the last few days have prompted me to consider the differences between those who are REAL believers and those who are not. So, let's start by considering the differences between two major historical figures, one being Jesus Christ and the other Muhammad. Followers of both Jesus and Muhammad, a.k.a Muslims or followers of Islam and Allah. Adherents to both Christianity and Islam claim their religions are "religions of peace", so let's examine some basic tenets of both religions to see just how peaceful they REALLY are. Let's begin with what Jesus and the Bible have to say about how to treat enemies and then we'll compare that to what Muhammad and the Qu'ran have to say about peace and love. Jesus is quoted in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6: "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you. (vs. 27-28). And verse 36: "Be merciful just as your Father is merciful." NOW, let's take a look at what Old Muhammad and the Qu'ran, "holy book" of the Muslims and "religion" of Islam have to say regarding one's enemies: 1) "Allah is an enemy to unbelievers"--Sura 2:98. 2) "Slay them wherever ye find them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter."--2:191 3) "Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme. Fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is God's entirely."--Sura 2:193 and 8:39. 3) "Fighting is obligatory, much as you dislike it."-2:216 4) But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever you find them."-4:89. And the next one, number 5 here is the REAL CLINCHER: 5) O believers take NOT Christians and Jews as friends, they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not bless an unjust people."-5:54. Oh, there is more, but for purposes of this discussion, these five quotes taken from the Muslim "holy book" will do quite well, especially considering Muhammad recorded what Allah supposedly told him about Jews and Christians; they are considered as "apes, pigs, and infidels". by the "true Muslims"! So, now considering these quotes from our SAVIOR and LORD JESUS CHRIST, lined up alongside what Old Muhammad had to say about dealing with enemies and infidels, I have to ask: Is Islam REALLY a "religion of peace". I would choose Jesus over Muhammad because in both cases I know who and what I am dealing with, REAL religion of peace or just an evil twisted ideology that concentrates on enslaving OR killing the opposition! Jesus got up out of the grave, ascended into Heaven from whence He WILL come again, while Old Muhammad's bones are still in the ground, and I don't think I need even say where he is, that is his soul...NOT in Paradise, no virgins....NONE of that fictitious stuff taught by Muhammad and propagated by his followers since the Seventh Century. Jesus was AND IS divine; Muhammad NEVER was, and STILL is not!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Good morning friends and neighbors, the few following this blog, but with growing numbers. Being this is just Day 3. first I'd like to thank my friend, whose name I will not use here, for reasons that should shortly become obvious; thank you kindly for lighting the fire that set in motion this particular post. I would not have previously thought of my friend that I had a brief discussion with last night as a liberal universalist, though my discerning sense had indicated that previously. Last night my friend confirmed that he is indeed a liberal universalist when he saw the patch that I had been wearing, and I asked him, not seriously, if he would like one to wear on his next tour of the Mideast playing with a blues band. This particular patch would be considered "offensive" by some toward Muslims, but some Muslims I have met would be "offended" by much less than that, being I worked around Muslims in an area where many lived, delivering their daily mail at houses as well as to the local mosque and Muslim school next to it, over thirteen years, some of that time about two years prior to 9/11/2001. So, I'm not just some 'anti-Islamic bigot" that some arselifters (oops.....NOT PC) would try to portray me as! Well, anyway, back to the topic at hand; my friend "informed" me that Jews, Christians, and Muslims ALL "worshipped the same God and we were all therefore brothers. Needless to say, I had to to chew my tongue a bit at this point. Sorry pal, Muslims might very well be YOUR brothers but CERTAINLY NOT MINE. I was also sorely tempted to ask him if he had crossed over to the "dark side" and joined the arselifters! Today is Wednesday, midway between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, so I cannot think of a better time for this discussion. My friend had apparently bought into the crap peddled in the U.S by a supposed civil rights organization known as CAIR; the crap he was putting down sounded much the same as theirs. I will now reference what is referred to as "WHOPPER NUMBER 3" perpetrated by CAIR in The USA; though listed as number 3 in the book "Muslim Mafia" by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry; for purposes of this discussion it is at NUMBER 1, also central! The discussion of this "WHOPPER NUMBER 3 commences on page 138 of "Muslim Mafia". So, here is the gist of this WHOPPER: "Allah is the same God worshipped by Christians and Jews." CAIR even lies big time telling those gullible enough to buy that garbage that "Muslims love and revere Jesus." Do not be misled friends, here is the REAL scoop as taught in the Quran and put forth by Muslim leaders in the US and around the world, reference page 140, "Muslim Mafia": 1) Islam rejects the central tenet of Christianity-that Jesus is divine and part of the Trinity. 2) The Quran calls those who assign "partners" to Allah "blasphemers" who will roast in Hell! 3) According to the Quran, Jesus was just a "messenger" and mortal like Muhammad. 4) Muslims don't believe Jesus died on the cross, and the Quran clearly denies he was crucified! 5) Muslims DO believe Jesus will return at the end of time. BUT here's the part CAIR and other Muslim missionaries leave out of their proselytizing pitch: On Judgment Day, the Muslim Jesus will descend from Heaven and slaughter the Christian Jesus with a spear, along with all the Jewish "pigs". He'll also "break all crosses" confirming Islam as the only true religion! So, now, in conclusion, some advice to my Christian and Jewish friends, and plain old garden variety heathens as well; The next time someone tries to tell you that Muslims worship the same God as Christians and Jews, and "Allah" is just another word for God, don't succumb to the urge to say something like "What a load of horse crap!!" Instead just grin and say, as I did, " That's what they say!"
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Newsweek dresses up Jesus as a hipster
Newsweek dresses up Jesus as a hipster And I wonder just what would happen if the no-gonads nitwits at Newsweek tried something like this with an image of Muhammad!....I'm guessing they would have a large number of raging maniacal arselifters from here AND around the world declaring jihad on the Newsweek Infidels!!
Wanted by US for $10 million: Hafiz Saeed, mastermind of Mumbai attack
Wanted by US for $10 million: Hafiz Saeed, mastermind of Mumbai attack Can't help thinking when reading this story from the Lamestream Media, with the whining about our "strained relations" with Pakistan, when IS a REAL leader going to step up and do what IS necessary and BLOW some Paki arselifters off Planet Earth; I'm guessing it will be Israel that handles that task with no help from our arselifter loving regime!....Anybody up for a good arselifter hunt with a $10 mil.prize?!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Greetings to Fellow Bloggers
Greetings fellow bloggers and those who follow blogs. I'm sure some, the "uninitiated" may be wondering Just "what is an arselifter?" Well, since I am just letting people know that I am in the business of blogging at this time, I'll simply refer you to other sites like "Gary Rumain's 'Mad About Mahound', or even better "Bare Naked Islam (BNI)". Then after checking these two sites, if you STILL haven't figured out just what an arselifter is, then I suggest you read "Muslim Mafia" by P. David Gaubatz, co-author Paul Sperry, available through WND books; used to be available at Walmart stores, but since the "Arselifters" are suing the authors, I'm guessing the "CAIR bears" probably commenced their usual whining and threats, so Walmart caved and pulled the book from their shelves, yet another example of why I don't like shopping Walmart! Just one more note regarding "Muslim Mafia", there are a couple of NOW DEAD arselifters mentioned in the book, being the copyright is 2009, before the two were eliminated by the U.S NAVY SEALS!! Well, friends and neighbors, and any arselifters who might be trolling, you all have a good day, and this concludes the rant for today; more later! DGB
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