Herein we have the number one difference between REAL Christianity and the Demonic Death Cult that is known as Islam! John 3:16 (KJV) states "For God so loved the World that He gave HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON that WHOSOEVER beleiveth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life"!! Muhammad and his arselifter followers however would have us believe the same crap that Imam Arselifter here is putting down to the girl that called, that being that "Allah", who is NOT GOD, NOT even another name for God, but the moon god that IS not a god at all, that the Perv Prophet proclaimed he heard from directly back in the Seventh Century....And ever since, the idea that the arselifter in this video is putting down, "be polite to the 'infidels', but NEVER be REAL friends, and certainly DO NOT love them because Allah does not love them".....And some STILL think Allah and ALMIGHTY GOD are the same?!!
Herein we have the number one difference between REAL Christianity and the Demonic Death Cult that is known as Islam! John 3:16 (KJV) states "For God so loved the World that He gave HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON that WHOSOEVER beleiveth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life"!! Muhammad and his arselifter followers however would have us believe the same crap that Imam Arselifter here is putting down to the girl that called, that being that "Allah", who is NOT GOD, NOT even another name for God, but the moon god that IS not a god at all, that the Perv Prophet proclaimed he heard from directly back in the Seventh Century....And ever since, the idea that the arselifter in this video is putting down, "be polite to the 'infidels', but NEVER be REAL friends, and certainly DO NOT love them because Allah does not love them".....And some STILL think Allah and ALMIGHTY GOD are the same?!!