Sunday, July 15, 2012

Did You Know? Allah Loves Your Stinky Breath!

1 comment:

  1. Well, here you have it folks! Yet another reason they, Muslims, are called FILTHY STINKING Arselifters!! This in addition to wiping their butts with their left hands and only bathing, at most, about every three days, as the "fragrance" of these arselifters is "pleasing to Allah"!! But they have to wash their feet perhaps several times daily, if no other body parts!!...I prefer the saying of John Wesley to ANYTHING one of these Arselifters has to say about personal hygiene; Wesley said: "Cleanliness is next to Godliness"!!...But then, ol' JW would just be considered another one of us 'infidels" by such devout arselifters as the one in this video!!
