Monday, July 2, 2012

Runner Mahiedine Mekhissi Benabbad Smacks 14 year old Girl Mascot


  1. Eh, just another stinking arselifter doing what arelifters do! If that were my 14-year-old daughter or granddaughter that that puke shoved for NO reason, I would gleefully behead the muslime bas---d myself!!.....Oooooo, so not PC!!

  2. It was the second time. 20120 in Barcelone he asked a mascot (underneat a child) to knee down before him, onkly to bush it into the ground. Also he was suspended for a fight he had with a (better) team mate.

  3. I would request that if you should comment on this blog, please do a spelling and grammar check; colloquial expressions in quotation marks excepted.........
