What a piece of crap!!..And calling himself a journalist!! And note how Corey, the Lying Arselifter!!...."Looney wack job"?!!..Horses---!! There is NO COMPARISON here to Joe McCarthy and the HUAC.....That is the biggest bunch of BS these dhimmi dips and their arselifter pals have come up with!!.....A lying tongue WILL be cut out!!....."That group in the middle.....?!!" You heard Corey!! Those "in the middle" would be those who don't know and won't take the time and effort to seek out the truth about REAL bigotry and hatred that the a--holes in the above video are portraying very well!!
What a piece of crap!!..And calling himself a journalist!! And note how Corey, the Lying Arselifter!!...."Looney wack job"?!!..Horses---!! There is NO COMPARISON here to Joe McCarthy and the HUAC.....That is the biggest bunch of BS these dhimmi dips and their arselifter pals have come up with!!.....A lying tongue WILL be cut out!!....."That group in the middle.....?!!" You heard Corey!! Those "in the middle" would be those who don't know and won't take the time and effort to seek out the truth about REAL bigotry and hatred that the a--holes in the above video are portraying very well!!