Well, here it is Saturday before Easter, and a good time for this post. Events of the last few days leading up to Easter Sunday, which I prefer to call "Resurrection Sunday" as that is what is supposed to be commemorated on that Sunday! I believe the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ should be celebrated every Sunday and not just on the "designated" day when children traditionally paint, hide and hunt for "Easter" eggs and indulge in chocolate bunny treats and other goodies. And, not only on Sundays, but every day as well, since we are all alive because He is alive! Now, on that note, let's get down to discussion of what really matters concerning the Resurrection, who believes Christ arose and who does not! Who REALLY believes Him, and that He is, was, and will always be exactly who He said He was?! Events of the last few days have prompted me to consider the differences between those who are REAL believers and those who are not. So, let's start by considering the differences between two major historical figures, one being Jesus Christ and the other Muhammad. Followers of both Jesus and Muhammad, a.k.a Muslims or followers of Islam and Allah. Adherents to both Christianity and Islam claim their religions are "religions of peace", so let's examine some basic tenets of both religions to see just how peaceful they REALLY are. Let's begin with what Jesus and the Bible have to say about how to treat enemies and then we'll compare that to what Muhammad and the Qu'ran have to say about peace and love. Jesus is quoted in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6: "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you. (vs. 27-28). And verse 36: "Be merciful just as your Father is merciful." NOW, let's take a look at what Old Muhammad and the Qu'ran, "holy book" of the Muslims and "religion" of Islam have to say regarding one's enemies: 1) "Allah is an enemy to unbelievers"--Sura 2:98. 2) "Slay them wherever ye find them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter."--2:191 3) "Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme. Fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is God's entirely."--Sura 2:193 and 8:39. 3) "Fighting is obligatory, much as you dislike it."-2:216 4) But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever you find them."-4:89. And the next one, number 5 here is the REAL CLINCHER: 5) O believers take NOT Christians and Jews as friends, they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not bless an unjust people."-5:54. Oh, there is more, but for purposes of this discussion, these five quotes taken from the Muslim "holy book" will do quite well, especially considering Muhammad recorded what Allah supposedly told him about Jews and Christians; they are considered as "apes, pigs, and infidels". by the "true Muslims"! So, now considering these quotes from our SAVIOR and LORD JESUS CHRIST, lined up alongside what Old Muhammad had to say about dealing with enemies and infidels, I have to ask: Is Islam REALLY a "religion of peace". I would choose Jesus over Muhammad because in both cases I know who and what I am dealing with, REAL religion of peace or just an evil twisted ideology that concentrates on enslaving OR killing the opposition! Jesus got up out of the grave, ascended into Heaven from whence He WILL come again, while Old Muhammad's bones are still in the ground, and I don't think I need even say where he is, that is his soul...NOT in Paradise, no virgins....NONE of that fictitious stuff taught by Muhammad and propagated by his followers since the Seventh Century. Jesus was AND IS divine; Muhammad NEVER was, and STILL is not!!
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