Sunday, March 31, 2013

A message to pislam


  1. Where the hell is the video?! Apparently there are some arselifters and dhimmi dips who just do not wish this truth to get out, I was able to find this on YouTube, so why is it not posted here?! And remember dhimmis and libtards that every time you kowtow and give in to these freaking SAVAGES, you are giving up more freedoms that will never again be restored as long as you dwell on Earth!!

    1. A problem with the embed code?

    2. So it seems. Apparently, as indicated, there are some active dhimmi dips and PC pricks who just do not want the TRUTH about arselifters to get out; not to mention the arselifters themselves who "monitor" sites such as this one.

    3. I don't seem to have any problem with them. At least, they don't comment. Do the Blogger stats for your blog show them coming from any arselifter countries? I don't get any on mine but I get them coming from Russia, Germany and France. But, whoever it is, they don't leave any comments.
