Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Marine Vet-Turned-Country Singer Stuns With ‘Coal Keeps The Lights On’
Marine Vet-Turned-Country Singer Stuns With ‘Coal Keeps The Lights On’ PC pricks seem to be out and about today, as I have as yet been unable to post this on FB due to the ----ing PC butt kissing bureaucratic, "O" supporting censors!..ENJOY!!
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
CHRISTIANITY VS. CHURCHIANITY Greetings and salutations to all my friends and fans, and any dhimmi dips and arselifters who may be "monitoring" my online activity as well. Okay, having said that I will try to make that my only reference to those individuals in this post. This may seem a bit off topic, the title of this post being what it is, but it really is not off topic at all, as I have found, though not easy to say so, that becoming preoccupied with a certain political ideology that calls itself a "religion of peace" when it is really the most insidious slimy evil ever introduced and foisted upon mankind, has been a bit overcoming. There were a couple things I was going to do with this topic, but I decided against that course of action since 1) I am sitting here in my Hanes and really don't want to get dressed for delivery of a stirring video message! 2) I really do write better than I speak, and that being the case, writing this message is what I chose rather than video, though I do some musical messages from time to time on YouTube. Also, you may note that I have done things opposite the way preachers normally deliver their sermons, though I don't really think of this message as a sermon. However, I do consider the passages of scripture posted here via Bible Gateway,to be a Message from God!! I found nothing in these passages about being a faithful church goer , but everything that embodies being a faithful Christian believer!! So, I'll conclude with the link to the two passages, NIV, it says the same things in modern English, as does the KJV in King James English: Okay, I seem to be having technical difficulties, so I'll just leave it to the readers to look up these two passages of Scripture for themselves, in whatever version preferred: The passages: James 1: 22-27, and Matthew 5:38-48.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
FBI expert: Quran is ‘revealed word of God’
FBI expert: Quran is ‘revealed word of God’ "Well, is'nt that special?! Why the ---- am I not surprised by this latest "revelation" from the FBI and the Justice Department; lately it is looking more and more like now would be an excellent time to take an extended vacation to another country and get the ---- out of the U.S. But on the other hand, there could also be a case made for preparing to fight, as in civil war, that is inevitably and rapidly approaching! In any case, what I see happening in the U.S.A today reminds me of words from a song in the hit movie of the Early Seventies "Blazing Saddles", the last line of the song by the townspeople....."our town is turning to sh--", and that, friends and neighbors, and any arselifters and government payroll dhimmis who are monitoring this blog for "criminal" activity, such as dissing arselifters and/or pislam, is exactly what is happening to America today!! WAKE THE HELL UP, PEOPLE!!
Why Hitler Would Have Been A Democrat
Why Hitler Would Have Been A Democrat Anyone else notice here that the "Hitler" of today that Wild Bill describes here sounds a lot like our Liar-in-Chief?!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Muslim Cleric Condemns Dead SEAL Team VI Warriors In Front of Their Parents at Funeral
Muslim Cleric Condemns Dead SEAL Team VI Warriors In Front of Their Parents at Funeral Not much to say about this one except: Had I been present at that funeral when that arabpig speaking muslime cleric got up and started cursing our fallen HEROES, he (the muslime cleric) would have been very quickly sent to the EVERLASTING HELLFIRE that the miserable maniacal lowlife koranimal sonofabitch says is reserved for us infidels!!......
Friday, May 3, 2013
Here we go again! Muslim baghead alleges her so-called ‘faith’ was attacked in Court
Here we go again! Muslim baghead alleges her so-called ‘faith’ was attacked in Court This nogger (black muslime) should be sent off to Zoomalia where I'm sure the stupid baghead would receive a warm reception!....
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
666 ALERT: Is the U.S. Military Preparing to Court Martial Christians?
666 ALERT: Is the U.S. Military Preparing to Court Martial Christians? Sell that "no religious proselytizing" crap to the arselifters first, you miserable lowlife traitorous scum, or shut the hell up and leave the Christians alone!!........
Saturday, April 27, 2013
http://youtu.be/tYkJSa_LKRY The real lowdown on arselisters,Iislam, what they really believe and what is really taught inside the walls of their arselifter assembly centers, a.k.a mosques.
Libya: Cementary of british war victims destroyed by Muslim Mob
http://youtu.be/RtgbvotqVFE And here we have, folks, yet another reminder from the Religion of Piss, showing the true face of Pislam once again; though this video is a bit more than a year old it still serves as a wake up call along with 9/11 and over 22000 terrorist savage attacks by asslifters, or as they are called in the UK, arselifters, since 9/11, 2001.....filthy stinking lowlife disrespecctful sub-human arselifters!!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
http://youtu.be/Ailjk38gKsw Check out this link to that was just posted this morning. Enjoy..........
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
NEW JEWISH EXODUS…from France, the result of Muslim hatred for and violence against Jews there
NEW JEWISH EXODUS…from France, the result of Muslim hatred for and violence against Jews there Well, having perused this article and viewed the video; it seems necessary for me to move to my own blog for further comment, considering I might make use of some terms that I am extremely limited in the use of on BNI. So, not much to add really, after reading the comments of others and making my own comment under my "alter ego", online name, just this: Just one more prime example of why individuals and societies should never ever try to appease a bunch of leeching demanding arselifters who will never be appeased until they are in total control of the lands they have invaded and all the people therein as well. In, short, they will have you lifting your arse next to them if you are that stupid, they will have you paying the jizya and working as their slaves, or they will kill you, especially if you are Jewish and/or a Christian!!...Reaffirming my statement once again: "Never ever trust an arselifter!!"
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Arselifter Antics: Obama: Arm Somalis, Disarm Americans
Arselifter Antics: Obama: Arm Somalis, Disarm Americans: Obama: Arm Somalis, Disarm Americans Well, what the ----?! I've already seen this article and posted on other sites in the last few day...
Obama: Arm Somalis, Disarm Americans
Obama: Arm Somalis, Disarm Americans Well, what the ----?! I've already seen this article and posted on other sites in the last few days, but seeing it today, and having this s--- upset my otherwise reasonably peaceful Saturday morning, I felt compelled to move to my own blog to comment further! This POS-in-Chief has been at it again; trampling, shredding and destroying the US Constitution; calling good evil and evil good, and the no-good worthless POS manages to do it all with a straight face! Well, I suppose he must maintain a certain "decorum" publicly, but you can bet your bottom dollar that this bast---- with a narcissistic nature and an over inflated ego is laughing his arse off back at the White House when he is alone, or maybe with just the First B----, who is equally despicable, or more! But, Arselifter-in-Chief, your time will come; and you've been forewarned by the CHRIST whom you deny consistently in your actions and policies, but your sin will find you out, AND though you pretend to be Christian when you think it might gain you a few votes and support remember that what is hidden will be revealed for all to view!!.....
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Sunday, April 7, 2013
LiveLeak.com - Man beaten to death and set on fire - warning, graphic
LiveLeak.com - Man beaten to death and set on fire - warning, graphic Since I really am not at liberty to say just how I really feel about this, I chose to move to my own blog to comment on this one. It seems quite apparent to me that this took place in an African nation, such as Nigeria or Uganda, undoubtedly dominated by Arselifters ("Muslims" being the PC term). It is also a pretty good indication that it is an Arselifter nation by the fact that motorists passing by were more concerned about their way being blocked than what was being done to this man, or why it was being done; no one tried to help him, or even inquired why he was being executed in such a fashion!........To me, this just screams: "ARSELIFTERS!!!"....Oh, and if you are just a bit squeamish, like it says in blue at the top-"warning, graphic", you probably would not want to watch the video, and certainly don't want small children around if you do.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
OHIO JIHAD: “This is the will of Allah,” shouts Muslim who shot his father dead in church on Easter Sunday
OHIO JIHAD: “This is the will of Allah,” shouts Muslim who shot his father dead in church on Easter Sunday Motive?! "We don't need no stinking motive, man! We are ardent arselifters tried and true, if you dis us or our Perv Prophet; then, infidel, we keel you!!".......A typical arselifter kills his father because he attended a Christian church service on Easter Sunday!......Hmm, religion of peace?!...
Countering Islamic apartheid
Countering Islamic apartheid God bless Pamela Gellar!! And to her dhimmi dip and arselifter detractors.....Well, up yours arselifters and dhimmis!! There was actually one stupid dhimmi that commented on this article and mentioned the "Muslim doctors" at a medical clinic in her city; I'm guessing a "free clinic" as that is the only kind of "medical treatment facility" that would be stupid and/or cheap enough to hire arselifters!!...So, if you are stupid enough to trust an arselifter with your medical care, don't be too surprised when the lowlife poisons you and/or cuts your throat, having dectermined that you are an infidel, and therefore not worthy to live!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
TAHRIR SQUARE: “In 4 hours, there were 19 sexual attacks on women by roving groups of Muslim savages”
TAHRIR SQUARE: “In 4 hours, there were 19 sexual attacks on women by roving groups of Muslim savages” And, there you have it, folks. Yet another fine example, showing the true nature of the Religion of Piss! And, no you will not be hearing from the so-called western feminists on this because that would not be PC, and speaking out against the Morsi Regime or our Arselifter-in-Chief who helped him into power by way of the Arab Spring......Well, now.....that would not only be non-PC but it would require gonads as well, something that lady Egyptian reporter in the video definitely has, but is severely lacking in the Western World among our supposed leaders!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
SCOTLAND: Huge backlash against Episcopalian Church that opened its doors to Muslim prayer services five times a day, EVERY day
SCOTLAND: Huge backlash against Episcopalian Church that opened its doors to Muslim prayer services five times a day, EVERY day Well, as Good Ol' Archie Bunker would have said: "Damn! Damn! Damn!" Reading crap like this where some dhimmi dip has opened the doors of a church to the devil and his disciples (Arselifters), telling them "Come on in, you are welcome to lift your arses in our sanctuary any time! Well, surprise, surprise, you stupid dhimmi dip! Maybe now you are beginning to see that you cannot throw your doors wide open and tell the devil "Come on in!! Welcome, welcome!!" without expecting all Hell to break loose"!! Just maybe, on the good side, you will learn from this experience what you should have already known; "Never ever trust an arselifter!!"
Friday, March 22, 2013
Oh, Lookie! First place winner in terror-linked CAIR’s “MY (phony) JIHAD” contest
Oh, Lookie! First place winner in terror-linked CAIR’s “MY (phony) JIHAD” contest Well, once again I find it necessary to move to my own blog to say just how I really feel about such a load of horse crap like that put down by deluded and/or lying arselifters! All one need do is take a look into their piece of crap they call a "holy book" where the Original Arselifter Mahound sets it out quite clearly just what jihad really is! What these arselifters in the "What is my jihad" contest are practicing is stealth jihad, which is infiltration by deception and outright lying about the true nature of Islam and jihad! After all, as taught by their Qu'ran and their Perv Prophet, the Original Arselifter, it is quite alright to lie to the "infidels"; this is called taqiya, a practice put to use by the most ardent lying arselifters imaginable. So, in answer to that question these arselifters asked "What is your jihad?" Well, let's see "What is my jihad"? How about this: My jihad is to expose as many lying arselifyers for what they really are, along with their demented demonic political ideology that they try to pass off as a "religion of peace"!!
Obama quotes Alinsky in speech to young Israelis
Obama quotes Alinsky in speech to young Israelis Okay, I know that there are still those who would insist that Obama is not an Arselifter, others would insist he is not a Communist, but the fact is that he is whatever he thinks it is necessary to be at any given time; and that, people, is precisely why he was elected, not only once but twice to an office he is not even eligible for, bought and paid for by the likes of Saul and David Alinsky and a mad maniacal billionaire like George Soros, the chief contributor to this POS's election as President of the United States! I sincerely hope that the "speech" those young Israeli college students heard from the "O" was taken as what it is, a complete load of horse crap!!...All those students need do to see just how well the kind of change this POS is talking about, is just take a look at the "hope and change" this lying lowlife has brought about in the U.S. Then, they should politely tell him to take his "hope and change" and get the ---- out!!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Obama’s Rules for “Nonviolently” Stopping Rape and Murder
Obama’s Rules for “Nonviolently” Stopping Rape and Murder Well, what the ----?! After posting this amusing little video in various other locations, I just couldn't resist the urge to place it here on "Arselifer Antics" as well. And, as stated before, this would be even funnier if not for the fact that our Arselifter-in-Chief continues his efforts to peddle this crap to anyone stupid enough to buy it! And, again, I have to say, there are still those with their heads firmly planted up their arses who still believe that the sun rises and sets on BHO's arse!!
CAIR defends Taliban, Hamas against bullying charge
CAIR defends Taliban, Hamas against bullying charge Well, now isn't that special?! One arselifter (Muslim) father was offended by this excellent teachers remarks, and went boo hooing to CAIR, an organization that does not give a flying ---- about the education of our children! Their (CAIR's) main concerns are indoctrination and domination (bullying of the worst sort)!! My suggestion to that muslime (not a typo), is: If you are so offended by remarks designating a bunch of lowlife PsOS like the Taliban and HAMAS as the bullies that they are; then you are welcome to take your boy out of that class, out of that school and most of all, out of the United States, to any one of 57 Islamic hell holes in the world! We do not need you or your indoctrination in the U.S., so you are more than welcome to get the ----out at any time!!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Hey, Mr. President, “I am an Israeli soldier and this is my land”
Hey, Mr. President, “I am an Israeli soldier and this is my land” Though I'm not normally inclined to listen to hip hop; and certainly don't consider myself a fan; this video presentation is right on!!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
PAUL WESTON: Echos of Winston Churchill?
PAUL WESTON: Echos of Winston Churchill? Yes, Britain's citizen's have been betrayed, just as Paul Weston states, but let's not overlook the fact that we patriots here in the U.S have also been betrayed in like manner, or worse by a worthless POS some still call "President" and his arse kissing associates and bros and sisters!!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Why you and I would be arrested in Iran
Why you and I would be arrested in Iran Okay, folks; since any comment I have on this would undoubtedly be censored on WND or Disqus, I move here to my own blog where I can say how I really feel about Arselifters and our Arselifter-in-Chief. Does it look like freedom of speech and assembly, right along with religious freedom are vanishing in America?! Absolutely! And though we still have an illegitimate president who consistently favors Arselifters (PC term "Muslims") over Christians and Jews at every turn, there remain those in our doomed nation who still seem to think that the sun rises and sets on his (BHO's) sorry worthless arse! Consider the fact, once again, folks, though I'm sure there are those with their heads still firmly planted up their arses who will undoubtedly blow this off, and persist in their belief, being the asshats that they are, that Obama really wants what's best for us all! Stick a fork in America; as a nation, we are done!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Barack Hussein Obama is using your tax dollars to fund al-Qaeda jihadists who are beheading Syrian civilians
Barack Hussein Obama is using your tax dollars to fund al-Qaeda jihadists who are beheading Syrian civilians Being limited somewhat in saying how I really feel on this issue, after making my comments on the BNI site, I moved to here to say more of how I really feel about the filthy stinking murderous arselifter savages that our Arselifter-in-Chief and his arselifter bros. in the U.S., along with the useless dimwitted dhimmi dips in Congress who go along with this POS some still call "President" and just think that anything the puke does with our tax dollars, including support of murderous savages in the Mideast and elsewhere, is just AOK!!....Oh, as you might guess, I use another name, my "alter ego", so to speak on BNI, if you should look for my comments there.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
What, me worry about Muslim terrorists being allowed to take pocket knives on board planes again?
What, me worry about Muslim terrorists being allowed to take pocket knives on board planes again? Well, once again, here is another post to which I do not feel at liberty to comment as I really feel about this matter on the site where it is posted, so I'll just say what I really think about this on my own blog, so appropriately called Arselifter Antics, as Arselifters and their antics are what we deal with most here. I will never knowingly travel with arselifters, aka. "Muslims" (the PC term}. As so well demonstrated in this article, as in many others before, the TSA and DHS amount to nothing more than damn jokes; and bad ones at that!!...Just when are the dhimmi dip libtard SOBs and ignorant feds going to get it?! The ENEMY IS ISLAM; it is NOT a Religion of Peace, but a terrorist jihadist bunch of ---- that started all the way back in the Seventh Century (Religion of Piss) by a demon possessed perverted pig, the Original Arselifter; and now we have, in what was once "the Land of the free and the home of the brave", a bunch of wussy PC nitwits doing checks at airports and train terminals who couldn't find their butts with both hands and a flashlight; and those "federal agents" are why any travel within the Continental U.S that I can drive or "go Greyhound"; then you can d--- well bet that is what I'll do. Only International flights in which I can't travel over about 13000 miles of ocean will I travel by air; and not even then if I should spot creatures that appear to be boarding the same flight who I know are arselifters!!
Obama Poised to Carry Out Hostile Military Takeover of US : Godfather Politics
Obama Poised to Carry Out Hostile Military Takeover of US : Godfather Politics Traitor-in-Chief, Arselifter-in-Chief, or Communist-in-Chief?! This POS is anything but a President! So, if any libtards out there still think this POS is going to do what's right; don't hold your breath waiting for that !! Get ready for civil war; it is coming soon!
Friday, March 8, 2013
IT’S ABOUT TIME! To counter the repugnant ‘Israeli Apartheid Weeks’ running on many college campuses, several universities are now holding their own ‘Islamic Apartheid Weeks’
IT’S ABOUT TIME! To counter the repugnant ‘Israeli Apartheid Weeks’ running on many college campuses, several universities are now holding their own ‘Islamic Apartheid Weeks’ Well, once again I find myself in the precarious position in which I must move to my own blog in order say what really needs to be said and tell it as it is!! And I must heartily agree with the views expressed that it is about time someone with gonads spoke up against the horse crap being laid down by the likes of CAIR and MSA Arselifters....Ooo, there I go again, being so non PC, but I still prefer calling them Arselifters rather than "Muslims" because that is so much more descriptive and accurate regarding what they really are and how they think....OR DON'T think in most cases!!......
Thursday, March 7, 2013
FLORIDA: Please help Anti-Sharia legislation become law
FLORIDA: Please help Anti-Sharia legislation become law Arselifter Ahmed Bedier in Tallahassee explaining to us ---------- infidels that dare to oppose his Arselifter Agenda and his Sharia law! Nobody should know more about "hate speech" than this a--hole who continually and consistently uses REAL hate speech against anyone who dares to question his "authority" and superiority as an avid arselifter, far superior to any of us infidels!!...But I guess I'm just one of those "right wing extremist 'Islamophobes" because I despise the sonofabitch and his Arselifter Agenda and Sharia law proposals!! Perhaps I find Ahmed and his ilk so despicable because I recognize the lowlife POS for what he really is!! And the venomous threats the puke makes toward Florida legislators; well, I'd have to respond with "Bring it on Asslifter; we will lock and load and be ready for you"!! We will NOT hesitate to use whatever force necessary in defense of life and liberty for ourselves and those near and dear to us, up to and including deadly force! Ahmed and his ilk can take their Sharia and their Religion of Piss and shove them up their arses!!.......Oooooo, that might be considered hate speech!!.....Well, excuuuuuuuuuuse me ARSELIFTER!!............
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner Some might wonder why I would post this on a blog primarily dedicated to arselifters and their antics, but since Communist bastards and arselifters are so often allied this seemed quite appropriate! And for all you libtard dhimmi asshats with your heads still firmly planted up your arses; well, you can consider this just one more wake-up call that you, being the asshats that you are will likely blow off!!
Friday, March 1, 2013
So far, so good. Kentucky community’s rejection of Islamic cemetery hasn’t yet been overturned by Obama’s DOJ
So far, so good. Kentucky community’s rejection of Islamic cemetery hasn’t yet been overturned by Obama’s DOJ KUDOS to Kentucky AGAIN! Hold the line folks; and DON'T give an inch to the Arselifters or their dhimmi dip useful idiot supporters, like that a---hole attorney representing them!! As one might guess there is some wording in my comment here that might NOT have made it to post on BNI, so I'll say it here, where I can use the term "Arselifter", or as we normally call them in the U.S: "Asslifters"!!...meaning is the same either way, so no deference to my friends in the U.K.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
I am Swedish, but I live in “Absurdistan”
I am Swedish, but I live in “Absurdistan” No need really, for further comment on this one! The lady pretty well nails the issue. AND we have some arselifters and dhimmis in DC who sound a lot like the Swedish dhimmi dip pliticians who say they don't really have much culture, so we need to throw the doors wide open and invite in all the garbage from all over the world!! Goodby country!!...............
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
‘Truth about Islam’ TV show has CAIR screaming ‘Islamophobia’
‘Truth about Islam’ TV show has CAIR screaming ‘Islamophobia’ YES, folks, the Anti-Christ IS an Arselifter!!.......................
Monday, January 14, 2013
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
GREECE is paying Muslim illegal invaders to go back home
GREECE is paying Muslim illegal invaders to go back home Aaaaaaww, don't fret Arselifters being kicked out of Greece! I'm sure our Arselifter-in-Chief will welcome your sorry worthless arses to America with open arms......Those of us with brains and gonads?!........Mmmm, HELL NO!!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
THAILAND: Muslims behaving badly when they don’t get their way (Graphic Images)
THAILAND: Muslims behaving badly when they don’t get their way (Graphic Images) Caution: Very Graphic images!! At least R-rated!!... THIS is what happens when Arselifters are allowed to gain ground then tell the SAVAGE sonsofbitches "NO" and they WILL try to kill you....You can count on it!!......
Friday, January 4, 2013
Egyptian mag affirms Brotherhood infiltration of White House
Egyptian mag affirms Brotherhood infiltration of White House So, six Arselifters have infiltrated the White House?! Is that all?!...THIS according to an Egyptian Magazine!!...I wonder if that would include our Arselifter-in-Chief, OR would that count exceed six, and be seven or more including the potus?!!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
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