Monday, April 30, 2012

West Point Army Cadets Visit 2011 Dr. Abu Zayd's Presentation

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Jesus and Muhammad on Handling Enemies

Well, here it is Saturday before Easter, and a good time for this post. Events of the last few days leading up to Easter Sunday, which I prefer to call "Resurrection Sunday" as that is what is supposed to be commemorated on that Sunday! I believe the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ should be celebrated every Sunday and not just on the "designated" day when children traditionally paint, hide and hunt for "Easter" eggs and indulge in chocolate bunny treats and other goodies. And, not only on Sundays, but every day as well, since we are all alive because He is alive! Now, on that note, let's get down to discussion of what really matters concerning the Resurrection, who believes Christ arose and who does not! Who REALLY believes Him, and that He is, was, and will always be exactly who He said He was?! Events of the last few days have prompted me to consider the differences between those who are REAL believers and those who are not. So, let's start by considering the differences between two major historical figures, one being Jesus Christ and the other Muhammad. Followers of both Jesus and Muhammad, a.k.a Muslims or followers of Islam and Allah. Adherents to both Christianity and Islam claim their religions are "religions of peace", so let's examine some basic tenets of both religions to see just how peaceful they REALLY are. Let's begin with what Jesus and the Bible have to say about how to treat enemies and then we'll compare that to what Muhammad and the Qu'ran have to say about peace and love. Jesus is quoted in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6: "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you. (vs. 27-28). And verse 36: "Be merciful just as your Father is merciful." NOW, let's take a look at what Old Muhammad and the Qu'ran, "holy book" of the Muslims and "religion" of Islam have to say regarding one's enemies: 1) "Allah is an enemy to unbelievers"--Sura 2:98. 2) "Slay them wherever ye find them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter."--2:191 3) "Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme. Fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is God's entirely."--Sura 2:193 and 8:39. 3) "Fighting is obligatory, much as you dislike it."-2:216 4) But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever you find them."-4:89. And the next one, number 5 here is the REAL CLINCHER: 5) O believers take NOT Christians and Jews as friends, they are friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is one of them. God does not bless an unjust people."-5:54. Oh, there is more, but for purposes of this discussion, these five quotes taken from the Muslim "holy book" will do quite well, especially considering Muhammad recorded what Allah supposedly told him about Jews and Christians; they are considered as "apes, pigs, and infidels". by the "true Muslims"! So, now considering these quotes from our SAVIOR and LORD JESUS CHRIST, lined up alongside what Old Muhammad had to say about dealing with enemies and infidels, I have to ask: Is Islam REALLY a "religion of peace". I would choose Jesus over Muhammad because in both cases I know who and what I am dealing with, REAL religion of peace or just an evil twisted ideology that concentrates on enslaving OR killing the opposition! Jesus got up out of the grave, ascended into Heaven from whence He WILL come again, while Old Muhammad's bones are still in the ground, and I don't think I need even say where he is, that is his soul...NOT in Paradise, no virgins....NONE of that fictitious stuff taught by Muhammad and propagated by his followers since the Seventh Century. Jesus was AND IS divine; Muhammad NEVER was, and STILL is not!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Good morning friends and neighbors, the few following this blog, but with growing numbers. Being this is just Day 3. first I'd like to thank my friend, whose name I will not use here, for reasons that should shortly become obvious; thank you kindly for lighting the fire that set in motion this particular post. I would not have previously thought of my friend that I had a brief discussion with last night as a liberal universalist, though my discerning sense had indicated that previously. Last night my friend confirmed that he is indeed a liberal universalist when he saw the patch that I had been wearing, and I asked him, not seriously, if he would like one to wear on his next tour of the Mideast playing with a blues band. This particular patch would be considered "offensive" by some toward Muslims, but some Muslims I have met would be "offended" by much less than that, being I worked around Muslims in an area where many lived, delivering their daily mail at houses as well as to the local mosque and Muslim school next to it, over thirteen years, some of that time about two years prior to 9/11/2001. So, I'm not just some 'anti-Islamic bigot" that some arselifters (oops.....NOT PC) would try to portray me as! Well, anyway, back to the topic at hand; my friend "informed" me that Jews, Christians, and Muslims ALL "worshipped the same God and we were all therefore brothers. Needless to say, I had to to chew my tongue a bit at this point. Sorry pal, Muslims might very well be YOUR brothers but CERTAINLY NOT MINE. I was also sorely tempted to ask him if he had crossed over to the "dark side" and joined the arselifters! Today is Wednesday, midway between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, so I cannot think of a better time for this discussion. My friend had apparently bought into the crap peddled in the U.S by a supposed civil rights organization known as CAIR; the crap he was putting down sounded much the same as theirs. I will now reference what is referred to as "WHOPPER NUMBER 3" perpetrated by CAIR in The USA; though listed as number 3 in the book "Muslim Mafia" by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry; for purposes of this discussion it is at NUMBER 1, also central! The discussion of this "WHOPPER NUMBER 3 commences on page 138 of "Muslim Mafia". So, here is the gist of this WHOPPER: "Allah is the same God worshipped by Christians and Jews." CAIR even lies big time telling those gullible enough to buy that garbage that "Muslims love and revere Jesus." Do not be misled friends, here is the REAL scoop as taught in the Quran and put forth by Muslim leaders in the US and around the world, reference page 140, "Muslim Mafia": 1) Islam rejects the central tenet of Christianity-that Jesus is divine and part of the Trinity. 2) The Quran calls those who assign "partners" to Allah "blasphemers" who will roast in Hell! 3) According to the Quran, Jesus was just a "messenger" and mortal like Muhammad. 4) Muslims don't believe Jesus died on the cross, and the Quran clearly denies he was crucified! 5) Muslims DO believe Jesus will return at the end of time. BUT here's the part CAIR and other Muslim missionaries leave out of their proselytizing pitch: On Judgment Day, the Muslim Jesus will descend from Heaven and slaughter the Christian Jesus with a spear, along with all the Jewish "pigs". He'll also "break all crosses" confirming Islam as the only true religion! So, now, in conclusion, some advice to my Christian and Jewish friends, and plain old garden variety heathens as well; The next time someone tries to tell you that Muslims worship the same God as Christians and Jews, and "Allah" is just another word for God, don't succumb to the urge to say something like "What a load of horse crap!!" Instead just grin and say, as I did, " That's what they say!"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Moses was a Muslim who led Palestinian Muslims out of Egypt and liberate...

Newsweek dresses up Jesus as a hipster

Newsweek dresses up Jesus as a hipster And I wonder just what would happen if the no-gonads nitwits at Newsweek tried something like this with an image of Muhammad!....I'm guessing they would have a large number of raging maniacal arselifters from here AND around the world declaring jihad on the Newsweek Infidels!!

Wanted by US for $10 million: Hafiz Saeed, mastermind of Mumbai attack

Wanted by US for $10 million: Hafiz Saeed, mastermind of Mumbai attack  Can't help thinking when reading this story from the Lamestream Media, with the whining about our "strained relations" with Pakistan, when IS a REAL leader going to step up and do what IS necessary and BLOW some Paki arselifters off Planet Earth; I'm guessing it will be Israel that handles that task with no help from our arselifter loving regime!....Anybody up for a good arselifter hunt with a $10 mil.prize?!

Monday, April 2, 2012

If They Dont Allow It Call CAIR

Hijab Lesson in American Classroom

Hijab Lesson in American Classroom

Obama: Say Goodbye to the Term Radical Islam

Obama: Say Goodbye to the Term Radical Islam

Greetings to Fellow Bloggers

Greetings fellow bloggers and those who follow blogs. I'm sure some, the "uninitiated" may be wondering Just "what is an arselifter?" Well, since I am just letting people know that I am in the business of blogging at this time, I'll simply refer you to other sites like "Gary Rumain's 'Mad About Mahound', or even better "Bare Naked Islam (BNI)". Then after checking these two sites, if you STILL haven't figured out just what an arselifter is, then I suggest you read "Muslim Mafia" by P. David Gaubatz, co-author Paul Sperry, available through WND books; used to be available at Walmart stores, but since the "Arselifters" are suing the authors, I'm guessing the "CAIR bears" probably commenced their usual whining and threats, so Walmart caved and pulled the book from their shelves, yet another example of why I don't like shopping Walmart! Just one more note regarding "Muslim Mafia", there are a couple of NOW DEAD arselifters mentioned in the book, being the copyright is 2009, before the two were eliminated by the U.S NAVY SEALS!! Well, friends and neighbors, and any arselifters who might be trolling, you all have a good day, and this concludes the rant for today; more later! DGB