Saturday, November 17, 2012

Video: CAIR-Chicago Rep Interviewed About Pamela Geller's Anti-Muslim Bu...

1 comment:

  1. What I find OFFENSIVE is that this lying POS and Arseliifter Ahmed Rehab is spouting his BS about how jihad is "daily struggles, blah,blah, nauseum", when ANYONE who has read from the Quran or has done just a little study of the illegitimate religion known as Islam would know that there are only TWO kinds of jihad, and neither of them are what this lying SOB describe as "daily struggles"! The two kinds of jihad are 1) violent jihad, takeover by force with rioting and in MOST cases eventual all-out WAR, and 2)STEALTH JIHAD, which consists of lying to and deceiving the "infidels" within their OWN countries or societies!! Number 2 type is the one being very effectiely used in the United States today to influence and even sometimes "convert" the libtards stupid enough to believe the kind of crap put down by Ahmed Rehab and those of his ilk, namely lying Arselifters.....Ooooo, that might be "racist"....except for the fact that Islam IS NOT and never has been a "race"!!
