Thursday, July 12, 2012

Michael Coren: Keep footy hijab-free

1 comment:

  1. NO MORE SPECIAL PRIVILEGES FOR ARSELIFTERS OR BAGHEADS IN THE WESTERN WORLD, on or off the soccer field, or anywhere else! I'm with Michael on this one "...couldn't give a damn!!" It is way past time to stop kowtowing to these arselifter supremacist a--holes and say "HELL NO!!" to the muzzies and their stupidass demands!! They are in NO position to "demand" a damn thing, so shut the hell up and adapt to the culture you are living in or get the hell out and go to one of the 57 Islamic hellholes of the Mideast!! I still hold to the old axiom some would not consder PC: "America; love it or leave it"!! And the arselifters can take their "yellow cards" and shove them up their arses!!
