Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Muslim parents on trial in UK for the alleged 'honour killing' of their ...

1 comment:

  1. Well, yet another "honour killing" by filthy stinking "ARSELIFTERS" (a term I've been asked not to use so much on another blog site),but I am free to use that term here, as well as other very useful and descriptive terms describing the lowest life forms on Planet Earth like "muzzy maggot scum","filthy puke muzzies", etc. Well, if you've not been sooooo offended by this point and quit reading, then I'm sure you get the idea that I do not generally care for Muslims! Religion of peace?! My arse! It is a demonic Death Cult that CANNOT even legitimately be called a "religion"!! And, just one additional note; if you just happen to be one of those "arselifters" I've been referring to, and this offends you, then, HALLELUJAH! I know I am doing something RIGHT!!
