Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Europe in 2029

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

GREECE is paying Muslim illegal invaders to go back home

GREECE is paying Muslim illegal invaders to go back home   Aaaaaaww, don't fret Arselifters being kicked out of Greece! I'm sure our Arselifter-in-Chief will welcome your sorry worthless arses to America with open arms......Those of us with brains and gonads?!........Mmmm, HELL NO!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

THAILAND: Muslims behaving badly when they don’t get their way (Graphic Images)

THAILAND: Muslims behaving badly when they don’t get their way (Graphic Images)  Caution: Very Graphic images!! At least R-rated!!... THIS is what happens when Arselifters are allowed to gain ground then tell the SAVAGE sonsofbitches "NO" and they WILL try to kill you....You can count on it!!......

Friday, January 4, 2013

Egyptian mag affirms Brotherhood infiltration of White House

Egyptian mag affirms Brotherhood infiltration of White House  So, six Arselifters have infiltrated the White House?! Is that all?!...THIS according to an Egyptian Magazine!!...I wonder if that would include our Arselifter-in-Chief, OR would that count exceed six, and be seven or more including the potus?!!