Friday, August 31, 2012
ANY OFFENDED ARSELIFTERS OR DHIMMIS?! Well, for those who have been following this blog, you may have noted yesterday's post regarding arselifters having invaded every corner of the Globe. Just a while ago I opened a "rejection from an organization stating that they had "certain criteria" and that they would not be placing advertising on my blog and further indicated that they would not respond to any inquiries from me as to why they would not be placing any sponsor ads on this blog. Well, my initial reaction was to tell them to go screw themselves, as my first guess as to why my application was rejected due to their "certain criteria" is that I must certainly have offended some arselifters and their dhimmi dip supporters on staff at that particular organization; just a guess, but quite likely a very accurate one, and to any of the arselifters and dhimmi dips who may see this; I really don't give a flying .... about your sponsorship or support, as I will continue to survive and thrive by the grace of God, and not the benevolent favors of your organization or any other dhimmis more concerned about not offending anyone than they are about the truth!
ARSELIFTERS IN EVERY CORNER OF THE GLOBE Okay. people it now stands as official that arselifters have invaded every corner of the Globe. Now, to the unenlightened dhimmi dips this may seem a bit harsh, perhaps even "racist", a term that dhimmi dips like to apply to anyone who doesn't automatically agree with whatever lofty BS platitudes the may put forth! Now, before any of you dhimmi dips or liberal loons start telling me just how wrong I am to feel as I do about arselifters, pull your heads out of the sand or out of your arses for just a few minutes to allow me to explain just why I feel as I do toward arselifters, also known as Muslims (the politically correct term); but for purposes of this article I will continue to refer to them as arselifters, and show them the same respect that they show toward us infidels, that being none! I have about as much respect for arselifters in general, as a male dog has for his favorite tree! Over the last 20 years,working around arselifters, I personally spent about 16 of those years working around arselifters on a daily basis, during which time I witnessed a formerly public elementary school being given over to arselifters to have a school, more accurately an indoctrination facility for turning little arselifters into maniacal Seventh Century adult arselifters! Not long after, they, the area arselifters, bought property next to the "Arselifter Academy" and built themselves a mosque, or what they call an Islamic Center. For those who don't know me, I once believed the load of BS put down by muslim maggots, another term for Muslims the uninitiated dhimmi dips would not approve of, but I really don't give a flying ....! I too once believed that "Allah" was just another name for God, and that "most Muslims are peaceful"! However, I now recognize that as the horse manure that it is!! In conclusion to this rant, just let me say to the dhimmi dips of the world, especially the Western World, it's way past time to pull your heads out of your arses and wake up, since not just 9/11/2001, but 1900 plus terrorist acts around the world, all of them committed by arselifters, whether our main stream media will admit it or not. Also, just one more thing that is the reason for the title of this article: Two nights ago, in Taipei, I was strolling through a Night Market thinking that I would not encounter anything more repulsive and disgusting than the chemically processed tofu that smells like raw sewage, but I was wrong again, for as we headed back to pick up the car from the parking garage, what did I see but two arselifers at a booth to my right selling what their sign at the outside edge of the booth said: "GENUINE PAKISTANI HALAL FOOD"!! For the clueless, halal is an indication of the way the animals are sacrificed by these lowlife arselifters, their throats cut, no stun guns and no sedation, just let them bleed out slowly and painfully. Needless to say, there will be an ice storm in Hell before I will ever partake of any of their arselifter cuisine. And, seeing the Pakis selling their halal crap there is an indication that truly: arselifters have invaded every corner of the globe!!
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