Saturday, June 30, 2012

RE: CAIR Welcomes Navy Decision to Remove Target of Muslim Woman, Quran

EDL - Dewsbury - Kevin Carroll's 'Electrifying' speech at today's Demo (...

EDL - Dewsbury - Tony Curtis calls for patriots to "join together as one...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Muslims Exempt from ObamaCare? | FrontPage Magazine

Muslims Exempt from ObamaCare? | FrontPage Magazine Ah, but of course they're exempt; they are ARSELIFTERS, and as such, the Arselifter-in-Chief WILL show favor toward them over us "infidels"! After all, they, the muslimes in America are "Allah's Chosen" and therefore to be taken care of by us "dhimmis" who owe it to them as part of our jizya (taxation of subservient infidels)!!.....And, is there ANYONE still ignorant enough to ask just why I despise arselifters (PC term Muslims)?!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

'Everyone is watching him': Challenges multiply for presidential winner in Egypt

'Everyone is watching him': Challenges multiply for presidential winner in Egypt  Well, now that a rabid arselifter is the "newly elected" President of Egypt, and that old "secular" Meanie Mubarak is out; things will be sooooo much better!! Or will they be?! These ignorant celebrating arselifters do not have a clue as to the mayhem, destruction and desolation that is headed their way! So, the Arselifter (aka. Muslim) Brotherhood has put their candidate in office in Egypt! It's been asked "Can he change"?!..Maybe, but I hold to the view that has consistently been proven and time tested that "An arselifter is an arselifter IS AN ARSELIFTER"!!!.......We'll see; and if I were a Coptic Christian in Egypt right now, I would be looking to get out of Egypt with ANY family and poseesions that I could carry with me, headed West!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Filmmaker switches sides and now opposes Tennessee mosque –

Filmmaker switches sides and now opposes Tennessee mosque – Amen!! And here we have one of few liberals who has pulled his head out of his arse just long enough to see some arselifter supremacists for what they REALLY are.....Just shows, folks, miracles DO still happen!!